1. Chapter 31 is about Huck's decision to escape the predicament he is in and free Jim from slavery. He makes a big decision to go against his society to help a friend. It is the climax.
2. It's ironic because he actually believes he's going to hell, seriously.
3. The house is ghost-like, gloomy, and dark-it symbolizes his previous life before Jim. It shows that Huck has changed and has a new better life, but that without Jim is very lonely.
4. He describes Providence as what guided him to do the right thing. Its something that he can't control. It's like fate. It has to do with religion and how someone might trust God. Miss Watson would agree because she too is relgious.
5. Miss Phelps doesn't actually believe that anyone got hurt in the steamboat accident because she doesn't consider niggers as real people.
6. Tom Sayer is a symbol of romantic literature and society while Huck is a symbol of realism and so the theme is romantism vs real and individual vs. society.
7. Tom and Huck have two very different motives; Tom being very adventurous while all Huck wants to do is save his friend.
8. Even though both the King an Duke gave Huck problems he still cares about what happens to others, 'human beings can be cruel.' It shows he really is a good person.
9. Tom thinks that you can only steal what is needed to save Jim, and when Huck steals the watermellon Tom gets upset. Huck was hungry but Tom didn't think he had a good enough reason to take the mellon. It's ironic because stealing is stealing no matter what the reason is.
10. Huck trusts and admires Tom so he follows what he thinks is Tom's best judgement.
#3 is an interesting answer