1. The significance is that Jim is comparing the fog and towheads to being trapped in the society with rules and people, and the 'big clear river' is freedom. Huck is saying that he's trapped in the society or the fog, and wants to reach the river or freedom to not only help him but Jim too. He already knows that he's going to reach probems along the way, or maybe get lost sometimes among the 'fog' or the society/people. It's also important because it involves a few different themes; slavery and individualism vs. society.
2. Huck feels guilty and eventually apologizes. He doesn't end up regretting owning up to his wrongdoing, or what he thought should be apologized for even though Jim is a slave. Huck starts to realize that slaves are people not just someones property. It has to do with the themes racism and slavery. Jim's apology is antislavery.
3. A. Hucks afraid he's a bad person because he has helped Jim, a slave, escape and become free. Huck has been taught that slaves are people's property so he's basically stealing him which he knows is wrong. It's one of the worst things you could do in society.
B. It's ironic because he has to steal his kids back even though they're HIS. They're owned by someone he doens't even know that hasn't done anything to him. If he can't buy them back he'll steal them.
C. If Huck tells on Jim, he'll feel bad, but if he doesn't he feel just as bad. He sees no point in doing, right, if wrong is easier and the outcome is just the same.
D. This has to do with the idea of freedom and slaves. It's a connection of rattle snake Jim to im being black. They were looking out for Cairo to get to Pittsburg so they didn't float down into New Orleans where it would be deep into the South with slavery.
4. They give Huck money because they feel sorry for Huck and that they can't help him. He told them that his father was sick and so it's ironic because you'd expect the bounty hunters to be mean and uncaring individuals. It shows that even though they're hunting black slaves they're not actually bad people.
5. The steam boat is like the destruction of nature by society. Society destroys nature. Individual vs. society conflict. The naturally created raft stands for people, and the industrial created steamboat is like the society which ruins peoples ability to be good regardless of what is expected.
6. He started writing but didn't like where the story was heading so he stopped writing until he took a trip down the Mississippi where he found more inspiration. It helped him to explain more of the hypocricy in the society and slavery in the south. He began to write again.
7. They seem to have a romantic view of life and death. There house is fancy and neatly decorated with poety and depressing paintings of war. They also have a book on family medicine and Friendship's offering. They're hypocrits because even though they are in a feud with a different family, the Sheperdson's, they act as if nothing is wrong.
8. Huck slyly got Buck to remind him of what his name is which represents the theme of gullibility. The way the Grangerfords act represents the theme of appearance vs. reality because they act as if nothing is wrong even though they're fighting with a different family. The Grangerford's sense of romanticism represents the conflict between realism and romanticism.
9. Huck doesn't understand jokes about the bible, he takes things too seriously which can connect back to his lack of imagination. He doesn't know very much about the bible so he isn't sure wether it's a joke or not. Moses~motif.
10. The hogs seem to go to the church everyday, while christians just go there when they have to. The Shepherdsons and Grangerfords go to church with guns and listen to a preacher talk about brotherly love. They discuss how much they enjoyed it, yet after they leave the church they proceed to continue their death-causing feud.
11. It symbolizes romanticism. They fight against eachother even though they're not really too sure why anymore. It's unnecessary. It's like Romeo and Juliet where the Capulets and the Montague families clash.
12. The raft stands for freedom outside their corrupt society. One would think that a bed or a warm house would be better, but from their own perspective they would rather be free on the river where they're not limited by expectation or rules.
13. Their nudity represents freedom, and so when they strip off their clothes, they strip off the society. The raft is already symbolic for freedom but their clothes are the final suggestion saying that they are through with the societies rules. The clothes are the society that they are stripping off.
14. Huck knows that they're both not royalty but doesn't want to expose them because he wanted to avoid unnecessary quarrels. He learned from situations with his father.
15. I think the king and the duke are more shrewd than Huck. Niether one of the men take any notice to Jim, a runaway slave, yet Huck can tell that niether of the men are actually what they say they are. Huck also is mature enough to not start any unnecessary arguments with the 'royalty'.
16. The fake king and duke is a satire of Romeo and Juliet that mocks romanticism. Romeo and Juliet is a motif that represents society and the battle between romanticism and realism.
17. It's satirizing the gullibility of people. The pirate takes advantage of Huck and says he wants to go out and help other pirates if only he had some money.
18. It's saying some people are extremely fake and that some people think that they can get things they want by how gullible someone is.
good answers!