Entry 18
Pearl, as already hinted, was of demon origin, these good people not unreasonably argued that a Christian interest in the mother's soul required them to remove such a stumbling-block from her path. If the child, on the other hand, were really capable of moral and religious growth, and possessed the elements of ultimate salvation, then, surely, it would enjoy all the fairer prospect of these advantages by being transferred to wiser and better guardianship then Hester Prynne's.
Governor Bellingham and Mr. Wilson wanted to be the 'saviors' of Pearl, and try to give her a better life than what they thought Hester could give her. The only savior there was, was God, who gave Pearl to Hester. The child is the only thing Hester has left besides the A sitting on her bosom.
Hester was Christian and believed in the religion, but sinned, and because of the sin, the town changed everything they once thought her to be. Pearl, didn't have to believe in any religion because she was born outside the laws and foundations of the town. Testing Pearl to have religious growth is an automatic failure anyway. She symbolizes sin, isn't sinful, she doesn't need salvation, and it's not going to take away from the fact that she was born out of adultery.
Pearl is like a living A, no one would want to take on that burden.
The idea that Pearl is a symbol of sin, but doesn't need salvation because she isn't sinful is nice! Use it.